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We are home from Louisville, KY! Yay! We had a great time. The kids went to their meetings and the closing dance. In between, we went for a ride on a paddle boat on the Ohio River, walked around downtown and drove. It is exactly a 1427 mile round trip from my house! First night we stopped in Forrest City, Ar. I think we all crashed that night. The 2nd and 3rd nights we were in Louisville (see previous post). The 4th night we stayed in Hurricane Mills, TN, which is the home of Loretta Lynn. The teacher and all 7 of the kids went to see the New Moon movie at a little theater in the next town over. The other parent and I crashed! We visited the Opryland Mills Mall in Nashville, TN yesterday on the drive home. The country is beautiful! We missed the leaves turning for fall but it was still gorgeous! I really like to travel but Dorothy off Wizard of Oz said it best, "There is no place like home!" I'm thinking that is how it's gonna be when we see Jesus, THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HEAVEN!
Trying to live each day like it's my last, DA
Out my window today is Louisville, Kentucky! i'm here for my daughter's FCCLA [Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (was FHA when i was in school)] Cluster trip. There are 10 of us in our group, 7 teenagers and 3 moms. It's been neat. We rode a paddle boat down the Ohio River for an hour and then back. We had lunch while on board, an early Thanksgiving meal. We are in downtown! I can see Indiana across the river. One child had a hard time believing that they could see another state from where we are staying on the 12th floor of our hotel. It's fun to watch Oklahoma grown kids travel outside of their region! i enjoy seeing the sights thru their eyes!
We are heading to Tennessee tomorrow for some sight seeing, staying the night in Hurricane Mills, TN (home of Loretta Lynn), and then plan to be home 5 or 6 Monday night. Having a great time with my daughter and her peeps!

Our Senior!!
My hubby and I pre-enrolled for our medical, dental, vision, and life insurance policies for 2010 yesterday. The medical, dental, and vision insurance is no biggie. Just select our choice and done! The life insurance used to be another story. When we were first married, I would make Mike do the life insurance choices. I wouldn't even look at the paper it was on. Sounds silly, right? As I've aged (I said aged, not grown up!!), I've realized that having life insurance is another way for my gift of a husband to show he loves me! How you ask? He is making sure that I am provided for in the event of his death. Jesus also provides me life insurance. Eternal life insurance or fire insurance, whichever way you think about it. How's your eternal life insurance??
Trying to live each day like it's my last, DA
Good Morning! i haven't been a coffee drinker until the past two years. i've always liked the smell of it, but not the taste. No matter how much sugar or creamer, i just didn't like the taste. A friend of mine gave me a piece of chocolate with a coffee filled center. OH MAN!! Was it delicious!! i have been hooked since! At first, i was only allowed one cup a morning by my family. Let's just say i gave them a run for their money with my motor mouth! Now, i can usually handle two in the mornings and maybe one after 3 pm as a pick me up! Also, we have one or two samples hidden in the freezer for "I forgot we were THAT low on coffee!!" emergencies. My family says i'm a grouch if i don't have at least one cup of coffee in the mornings now.
It hit me this morning.... Coffee is like reading the Bible. (i know but that is how my brain works!) i've always liked the Bible stories i heard when growing up. i just didn't like sitting reading it for myself. i have not ever read the Bible completely from Genesis to Revelation! i started a year and a half ago on that project! i'm on Matthew now! It's like, "WOW THAT'S IN THE BIBLE?!" i can't start my day without digging in His WORD! My whole day is off if i don't!
So find time in your day to have a cup of coffee, tea, soda, whatever and at least a chapter or two from the Bible! When i'm reading my Bible, i imagine that i'm having a cup of coffee with my Abba! It's a great way to get connected or stay connected with Him!
Trying to live each day like it's my last, DA