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i have a pot-bellied pig and 4 ducks left of my farming days. My husband is very thankful that those 5 are all that remains. i had several ducks, several geese of various sorts, lots of chickens, and a pygmy goat. i've given away all but 4 of the ducks, ALL of the geese, and the chickens were devoured by dumped dogs and a few predators, and the rest were given away. The pygmy goat went to a farm with lots of females because he was becoming his own best friend and i didn't want to explain to my then young children why he was. My husband referred to our house as "Ole McDaryl's Farm" and the only place in LeFlore County that you could walk in the yard and step in 14 different kinds of animal crap! But that isn't my point today.
My point... Today is there are 3 (that i know of) predators stalking my ducks and pig. i discovered this the other morning when my pig, Bacon, was making a different squeal. i looked out my window and saw her running on her stubby little legs as fast as she could, into the yard. i looked out farther into the pasture and there was a coyote, belly to the ground, stalking her. The double barrel is now by the back door ready! Yesterday brought two different coyotes too close to my yard.They ran when i walked outside with the gun. Okay now that you know that, here is my real point...
How like what is going on at my house, is our Abba watching over us? Is He watching the bumps and turbulence that satan puts in our way? Of course He is, if He is your LORD and Savior. And sometimes even if He isn't yet. i know that it is so very hard to fully let go of a situation because we think we can do a better job or we don't want to feel that we are not in control. i struggle with this daily. i know of the 3 predators of my animals but how many are actually out there? That i have no clue but my Abba knows exactly how many there are and when they will strike. Just like He does for how many bumps and turbulence are in my daily walk and when i will trip on them and what i'll do about them. NOTHING surprises my Abba!! Not even me! And satan runs when God walks out the door with His gun (i know but ya get my point)! God has my back and He's continuously watching over me. i just have to trust Him and tell others about Him!
Trying to live each day like it's my last, DA
A friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be sitting right beside you saying, "Man, that was fun! But let's not do that again!"
No seriously, how do you know when a friend is a true friend??!!
To me, a true friend is willing to talk out the hurts, the hang-ups, the he said/she said crap, the anger, the disappointment, anything that bothers them about you and with you, all while still loving you! i have several friends, but only a handful of what i would call true friends. Sorry, ladies, but i married my bestie. But that is not to say, that you each are not my true friends. Because you are!!
i cherish you each! i'm thankful that my Abba has placed you in my life to sit beside me in jail(tho it hasn't happened....yet!), to kick me in the butt when i need it, to hold my hand when i need it, to give me a shoulder to cry on, to listen to my complaints, to tell me what you see me doing wrong (even when i don't wanna hear it!), to guide me back to my Abba when i have strayed! To laugh with me and at me!
Life is too short to squabble over the small stuff! I have learned that first hand!
Love you so very much, my true friends!!!
Trying to live each day like it's my last, DA
My life is so very busy right now! There is so much going on i don't know where to start....
My family is growing and growing up! My son is engaged to a wonderful young lady!
My husband and i will have been married 21 years on the 14th!
My daughter has moved to the college dorms! (at least she's home on the weekend, sometimes!!)
i have traveled MORE this year than ever!
i was involved in a Lance Armstrong Foundation Bike Ride this past weekend. (No, i didn't ride in this one, i was a sag wagon driver.)
Friendships are growing and unfortunately some are waning!
My friendships are very special to me. i know this comes from not having many in school! So, yes i am very hurt right now. My heart feels to be in many pieces. i want to pick up these pieces but i know that my ABBA can and will do a better job than i!! It is just very hard for me to let Him do this for me! i've always been a "Me do it!" person. My morning Bible study has me in Psalm 28 - 29! Thank You, ABBA for your kind but sometimes hurtful words. i know that You have my best interests in mind and in Your heart!
Trying to live each day like it's my last, DA
Have you ever had to write a eulogy for someone?
Our "assignment" in our fuel cell last night was to write a eulogy for one of the people at our fuel cell.
The whole point of the "assignment" was 'Will Jesus' eulogy of you be the same as the persons who just wrote yours?' In other words, is what people see the real you? Are you a poser (the movie 'Wild Hogs' comes to mind) or the real deal?
i pray that what you see in me, is really what Jesus sees in me. i strive hard to be real.
Living each like it's my last, da
It's been a day. I didn't sleep much last night. My husband was out of town for work for the night. I received a late night text. It stormed. The dogs were restless.
I had lunch with some friends today for my birthday. One friend text to say she couldn't make it. Another friend couldn't eat because eating makes her sick regardless of what she eats. This friend also is in so much pain that she couldn't sit still the whole time. I'm scared for her. I can and do lift her up to the Lord.
There is something going on and I can't put my finger on it. I'm watching the pieces fall. Where the pieces land and what I do with those pieces is in God's very gracious hands. I'm keeping my faith that God is in control. He sees the big picture even when I do not. I have to remember to search God's Word, to absorb in it, as I've been told, to marinate in it. He knows what is in store even though I feel blown out of the water right now.
Trying to live each day like it is my last, DA
I know that at one time or another we have all done this. I know that we think that it only happens to someone else. I know we think we have control. I promise that whatever whomever is texting us can and will wait. Please think about it before you glance at the text. Turn your phone to a different sound profile while driving to turn the messages received sound off. It only takes a second....
Trying to live each day like it is my last, DA
I'm sad today. A friend of mine ended his life yesterday. Please keep his mom and my other friends in your prayers as we try to sort through this. I know that my friend was saved and is now with God. I have not ever understood being so .... that a person can't live any longer. I'm not sure his mom is saved and that is even more sad to me. Thank you.
Trying to live each day like it is my last, DA
Was asked a question the other night in Fuel Cell? Well, three questions actually...
1) How long have you been married? 20 years, 4 months, and 13 days. (And I only had to figure the days!)
2)What have you had disagreements about? We have had only a handful of disagreements in those years, honestly!! And it was about money.
3)What's the secret to your success, other than God being the center or related answer? I had to think on this one for a bit. This answer is different for everybody! But the most common answer in the group was communication with spouse. (As was mine.)
My church is doing a sermon series on marriage, hence the questions. I know growing up where I grew up that "submit" was a dirty word for a woman. And it still is for some. I know it was omitted from a set of marriage vows on purpose.
My husband and I have a morning Bible study. I really cherish this time with him and miss it when we get up too late for our day. We have grown stronger as a couple as well as Christ-followers. My study has me in I Corinthians 11 today. And guess what?? Paul is talking about submission! But in a way that makes man AND woman equal. Verse 12. For as a woman came from man, so also a man is born of a woman. BUT everything comes from God. (NIV) SO... we may have come from man's side to be near his heart, under his wing, BUT right beside him. NOT under his thumb or his feet. That's another subject. Back to submission. I submit to my husband because I want to because I love him so much. My husband doesn't FORCE me to submit because he loves me so much. We are equals in our marriage and we both treat the other that way. Here's another way to look at it. God and Jesus are equals. (Jesus is God in the flesh.) But Jesus submitted to God the Father to carry out the plan for salvation. In our marriage, we are to be equals; but as the wife, I am to submit to my husband. I do this by choice not by force. And my husband is my number 2 and he knows he is because he knows my number one is God! As I'm his number 2 because God is his number one!!
Trying to live each day like it's my last, DA
Ever have a day where you don't want to go out into the world? i'm having one today. Don't know why, really. Just don't want to go anywhere. But as a responsible adult (yeah right!), i have commitments and such that need attending. i know that the first sentence may come as a shock to some of you that know me, but i have those kind of days, too.
A friend's dad has left this world this week. My heart and prayers go out to him and his family. Is this my reason for not wanting to go anywhere?
It stormed last night and today looks cloudy and windy and yucky. Is this my reason for not wanting to go anywhere?
Something i have to do today, i'm kind of not looking forward to doing. One of my classes (that i thought i wanted to take) is getting hard already. Is this my reason for not wanting to go anywhere today?
i'm not feeling to good, today. Is that my reason for not wanting to go anywhere today?
Not sure of my reason, but i know that God has something in store for me today or yesterday would have been my last day. Did i live my day yesterday like it would have been my last? Not really. Do i try to live each day like it is my last? i try but i'm finding that i'm leaving things undone and unsaid. Time for a check-up with my Abba!
Trying to live each day like it is my last, DA
i'm not sure where to start...
A few friends have found out that they are expecting. Congrats ladies!!
i started back to school for my last semester. Only been working on my Associates Degree for 10 plus years.
My church started a second campus in Spiro on Jan 10, 2010.
My son moved back to the dorms for his last semester at CASC.
My daughter just informed me that she is the Salutatorian of her Senior class.
I found in the Bible that Jesus prayed for me! John 17:20
Thank You, Lord for taking care of my family and my friends.
Trying to live each day like it is my last, DA