Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ever Watching

i have a pot-bellied pig and 4 ducks left of my farming days. My husband is very thankful that those 5 are all that remains. i had several ducks, several geese of various sorts, lots of chickens, and a pygmy goat. i've given away all but 4 of the ducks, ALL of the geese, and the chickens were devoured by dumped dogs and a few predators, and the rest were given away. The pygmy goat went to a farm with lots of females because he was becoming his own best friend and i didn't want to explain to my then young children why he was. My husband referred to our house as "Ole McDaryl's Farm" and the only place in LeFlore County that you could walk in the yard and step in 14 different kinds of animal crap! But that isn't my point today.

My point... Today is there are 3 (that i know of) predators stalking my ducks and pig. i discovered this the other morning when my pig, Bacon, was making a different squeal. i looked out my window and saw her running on her stubby little legs as fast as she could, into the yard. i looked out farther into the pasture and there was a coyote, belly to the ground, stalking her. The double barrel is now by the back door ready! Yesterday brought two different coyotes too close to my yard.They ran when i walked outside with the gun. Okay now that you know that, here is my real point...
How like what is going on at my house, is our Abba watching over us? Is He watching the bumps and turbulence that satan puts in our way? Of course He is, if He is your LORD and Savior. And sometimes even if He isn't yet. i know that it is so very hard to fully let go of a situation because we think we can do a better job or we don't want to feel that we are not in control. i struggle with this daily. i know of the 3 predators of my animals but how many are actually out there? That i have no clue but my Abba knows exactly how many there are and when they will strike. Just like He does for how many bumps and turbulence are in my daily walk and when i will trip on them and what i'll do about them. NOTHING surprises my Abba!! Not even me! And satan runs when God walks out the door with His gun (i know but ya get my point)! God has my back and He's continuously watching over me. i just have to trust Him and tell others about Him!
Trying to live each day like it's my last, DA

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How do you know a true friend?

A friend will bail you out of jail. A true friend will be sitting right beside you saying, "Man, that was fun! But let's not do that again!"

No seriously, how do you know when a friend is a true friend??!!
To me, a true friend is willing to talk out the hurts, the hang-ups, the he said/she said crap, the anger, the disappointment, anything that bothers them about you and with you, all while still loving you! i have several friends, but only a handful of what i would call true friends. Sorry, ladies, but i married my bestie. But that is not to say, that you each are not my true friends. Because you are!!
i cherish you each! i'm thankful that my Abba has placed you in my life to sit beside me in jail(tho it hasn't happened....yet!), to kick me in the butt when i need it, to hold my hand when i need it, to give me a shoulder to cry on, to listen to my complaints, to tell me what you see me doing wrong (even when i don't wanna hear it!), to guide me back to my Abba when i have strayed! To laugh with me and at me!
Life is too short to squabble over the small stuff! I have learned that first hand!
Love you so very much, my true friends!!!
Trying to live each day like it's my last, DA

Thank You, ABBA!

My life is so very busy right now! There is so much going on i don't know where to start....
   My family is growing and growing up! My son is engaged to a wonderful young lady!
   My husband and i will have been married 21 years on the 14th!
   My daughter has moved to the college dorms! (at least she's home on the weekend, sometimes!!)
   i have traveled MORE this year than ever!
   i was involved in a Lance Armstrong Foundation Bike Ride this past weekend. (No, i didn't  ride in this one, i was a sag wagon driver.)
   Friendships are growing and unfortunately some are waning! 
My friendships are very special to me. i know this comes from not having many in school! So, yes i am very hurt right now. My heart feels to be in many pieces. i want to pick up these pieces but i know that my ABBA can and will do a better job than i!! It is just very hard for me to let Him do this for me! i've always been a "Me do it!" person. My morning Bible study has me in Psalm 28 - 29! Thank You, ABBA for your kind but sometimes hurtful words. i know that You have my best interests in mind and in Your heart! 
Trying to live each day like it's my last, DA