Monday, October 5, 2009

Out my kitchen window today it is cool and cloudy. How long has it been since you have looked out your kitchen window? Before my dishwasher, I did it all the time while my hands were in the sudsy water doing a not so fond chore. It was my time to think and ponder with my Abba. My blog isn't going to be about the weather outside (well maybe some) my window. It'll be about my thoughts and such. The title for my blog came while I was watching the hummingbirds at the feeder out my kitchen window. It reminded me to slow down! I'll try to post a picture of one for you as soon as I figure that out.
Let me tell you about myself some. I am 38 years old. I have been married to a wonderful gift of a man for 20 years the 14th of this month. I have two children: a son of 19 yrs and an almost 18 yr old daughter. I have 6 brothers and sisters. My oldest sister has lived with Jesus for 5 years now. My oldest brother lives in Oregon, 3 sisters and my mother live north of Dallas. My younger brother lives south of Houston, Tx. My Dad was escorted to the Throne of our Heavenly Father almost a year ago.
I was born on the east coast, lived on the west coast but grew up south of Houston, Tx, then moved to north of Dallas, Tx. My parents divorced. I was 13 when I met the man I called my Dad, my stepfather. We moved to NC, then back to Oklahoma. I have lived in Oklahoma for 23 years but I am a beach bum at heart! My hubby calls me a "displaced beach bum". I have several friends and lots of family. Some of my friends are family and some of my family are friends. I am active in my church. My church is different (yeah right you say, but it is!). It's not just a building where we meet for worship, it's a group of people striving to live each day for the Lord. We don't own the building we meet in! We are different, I promise. Come try it sometime or visit our web site at !
I hope you have a great day! Leave me a comment, if it's not just stupid or vulgar, I'll post it.
Trying to live each day like it's my last and looking out my kitchen window, DA

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