Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ramblings, I guess

Was at the Panama Band homecoming the other night. My daughter is growing up so fast and she's beautiful, if I do say so myself! Shortly, she will be graduating from High School and on her way to college. My son is already in college. My job as a mom is changing. I'm not needed to kiss the boo-boos to make them all better, or to wipe their chins or noses. That's okay, though. Yeah, I shed a few tears the last couple of days. I'll admit that!
I am a people watcher. I don't like crowds though. (That could be an oxymoron.) I was watching some parents at the homecoming the other night. One parent caught my attention in particular. I visited with her for a moment, too. She was upset with her child. She was ready for them to be out on their own so her job would be finished, so she wouldn't have to bail them out anymore. I had to remind her that they are only kids. She was upset about an incident that was costing her $1500. Yeah, I'd be upset to but not to where I'd want my job to be finished. My son is on his 3rd vehicle that his dad and I have bought for him, one car died, and the other one is at the bottom of Poteau River. That's part of raising children. I don't think my job as a mom will ever be "finished". I pray it won't be actually. I pray that my children will become responsible adults. But this won't happen the day they turn 18 or even 21. That and I have to keep in mind that teenagers are the most unreliable people on the face of the earth! Let's face it, they are kids! They do stupid stuff! So do we as adults! I pray I will always be there for my children.
After visiting with this parent, it got me to thinking, What if God raised us until we were an 18 year old Christ-follower? Would we mess it up as bad as we do now or would it be worse?? Probably worse!
If you don't have a church to go to tomorrow or even if you do and want a change, check out our church at the Rock Garage in Poteau, OK at 10 a.m. We have a nursery and children's church. There's coffee and muffins and fellowship available before worship. I hope to see ya there.
Living like it's my last day and looking out my kitchen window, DA

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